ICA Boston: worth the trip, even for the yacht-less

When I visited the ICA a few weeks ago, I saw a work that, as you approach it, resembles two smooth wooden cubes. It’s not particularly spectacular from afar: the wooden pieces are neatly, even artistically, placed together, but they could be anything: a bench, an empty display base. As you come closer, you see…

Brooklyn Museum: a surprisingly intimate pop art encounter

Who’d have thought that a mid-Saturday trip to the Brooklyn Museum’s Seductive Subversion: Women Pop Artists, 1958–1968 exhibit would feel like a private showing? It wasn’t just about the lack of crowds (we encountered no more than ten people throughout the exhibition). The show’s excellent layout plays a big role in creating an intimate atmosphere,…

3 Days in San Francisco: Street Art, High Impressionism and 80s Hair & Tattoos

Everyman’s Art: San Francisco Artists’ Guild show Once we’d picked up our tickets for the nearly-sold-out Impressionism show at the de Young museum, we wanted to explore the Golden Gate Park’s pretty stunning grounds. The architecturally-brilliant museum sits among perfectly tended greenery and fountains, across from another ultra-modern building, the Academy of Sciences, whose roof…